What is the solution to preserving your wealth for generations?

What is the solution to preserving your wealth for generations?

I am so excited to introduce to you my 4-Step Plan for anyone who is thinking about making the leap into real estate investing. 

As you look toward planning your financial future, the reality is that no matter how hard you try, you simply can’t out save or beat inflation over decades of saving and investing. What is great about real estate investments and syndication, is that real estate asset prices rise with inflation, this makes it a sound and potentially lucrative lifetime investment!

In this report, we will walk you through the 4 steps to success that we use with our clients here at Capital Cashflow Partners. This includes the process of identifying your personal financial goals, defining your investment style in order to achieve these goals, establishing the right team to help you succeed, and finally- taking action to put your plan in place.

Download Your Free Copy Here


There is no successful plan without first taking action. If you’ve identified your goals, chosen what vehicle you want, and then what team you’re going to need to accomplish all this, it’s time to start vetting deals. The best advice I can give after having coached numerous real estate investors through this process is not to lose momentum now. 

At this point, you’ve just got to go find that first deal. And, if you want guidance through this process and get help assembling the right team, click here to schedule a call.


Is Inflation Deflating your Retirement Dreams??

Is Inflation Deflating your Retirement Dreams??

We don’t know about you, but when we see the Federal Reserve say “Don’t worry, we’re in control”, we start worrying.

If we aren’t supposed to worry about inflation, what are we supposed to think when we see news articles telling us things like Lumber yards are selling back to suppliers at retail?

This headline sure doesn’t tell us we can expect to pay the same price for a home tomorrow as we did yesterday:
A 325% surge in lumber prices over the past year has pushed new-home prices up by $24,000 a piece

Our world is changing at a rapid pace and if we don’t want to be left behind, our financial education must keep up. If you are reading this article, congratulate yourself on taking the first step to updating your thinking!

After all, only 36% of people between 39 to 54 even have a retirement account. Whether we want to believe it or not, our earning years historically fall significantly after the age of 60. We aren’t just talking about having to work, we are talking about having the ability to work.

For those whose plan is to stick their head in the sand and hope someone catches them when they fall, the future can sound pretty grim. According to CNBC, Social Security’s cost-of-living adjustment isn’t keeping up with prices retirees pay.

We understand that some of these articles aren’t full of cheer, but there is plenty of opportunity out there today, we just have to look through the right lens.

Robert Kiyosaki says “Inside of every problem, lies an opportunity”

Join us next month for our

Retirement Planning Mastermind
May 4th, 2021
1297 FM 247 Office
Huntsville, TX 77320

In this mastermind, we will gather to discuss what we can do immediately to start playing by the “new” rules of the retirement game.

Okay, okay … They are the same rules that thought leaders like The Real Estate Guys, Robert Kiyosaki, and other great investors have been trying to drill into our head for years. But if you’re not on board yet, it’s more crucial than ever to start adapting now.

The best day to plant a tree is today!



5 Steps to Prepare for Retirement

5 Steps to Prepare for Retirement

Just like planning a trip, setting retirement goals can give you something to shoot for, a plan of how to get there, and a realistic expectation of where you are along the way. Any goal, especially goals for retirement, must be specific and measurable. Simply saying you are going to retire is different than saying, “On my 65th birthday, I want to have $96,000 a year to live on and not have to earn any income. I want to have this specific list paid for and these things accomplished.” Whenever you make a plan, it will take hard work and dedication.   And that’s the easy part! When life happens along the way, a strong plan will be able to show you what track you’re on and where you are along the journey. As the world continues to turn each day, we get closer to the moment when we’re ready to slow things down and enjoy a little more of what this life has to offer. After all, we disproportionately worked hard all of those years so we could enjoy the time we have left. If you’re ready to plan for the future and get clear on your vision for retirement, here are 5 steps to focus on:

Decide What You Want Where do we want to live, and what do we want to be able to do? Will we move closer to our kids or grandkids? Will we want to take them out to eat once a week and pick up the tab, or maybe twice a year get the family together to go on vacation? Maybe we have a passion for rebuilding cars or want to have a sewing room. Let’s dream big! Write a list of everything you want.

Estimate a Realistic Cost
Dreaming about what we wanted was the fun part! The moment when we need to consider the costs is usually when our mind refocuses our attention to the present. When we consider the future costs of things we want, we start remembering the daily struggles of the here and now and shelf retirement conversations for a later date or when we have things more figured out. Stay away from this trap! Stay dedicated to the conversation because your future depends on it. Put realistic costs for the dreams you care about. It’s worth the effort to consider the costs of your future life and then lay out the data so you can see what you need to aim for when it comes to savings.
Prioritize Your Goals You don’t have to know how much you will earn, save or make on your investments to prioritize your goals. If you had every dollar you ever needed and all the time and expertise, what would your list look like?
If you had to put all of these things in order, what would the order be? Now you can look at the resources and start going down this list. No plan is ever going to go exactly as it was set, which is a good thing for most of us. This is an iterative process. Our goals change just like everything else in our life, and your retirement planning should be reviewed and adjusted regularly.


Allocate Funds & Resources Now that we have what we are trying to achieve and in what order, we can start to allocate our resources towards these goals to help us stay on track. As you go, you can review, measure and adjust. Consider the amount you will need to withdraw each year after you stop contributing to your plan and start right away. Most of us don’t have a problem coming up with a wish list. The next step is prioritizing this list. If you’re like me, you would need 10 lives to be able to experience everything on your list. There’s nothing wrong with this! Prioritize what you will do with your time and money, and let’s put some planning to it. How much money will it take you to live like you want? A budget can really help you get organized and prepared. The more clear you are on what it costs you to live, the more accurate your goal can be.

Plan Your Timeline
What is the projected date that you would like to be able to slow down or quit your job? This date will help you finalize your plan. We must have a date. For instance, if you want to retire when you are 65 and right now you’re 33, then your date is set for 32 years from now. In order to live like you want to live when you retire on $96,000 a year today, then we need to figure out a few things: Is that going to come from withdrawal of savings or passive income? How much do we need to contribute to our plan each year to reach our spending goal? How long will we want to plan on having this yearly allowance? These questions will help us determine how much we need to contribute, for how long, and what return we need to produce to help us achieve our goals. If you need help getting started on creating your plan for retirement, be sure to sign up for our FREE Retirement Planning Seminar, May 4th at 6:00 pm CST. We’ll help you figure out how you can really enjoy the fruits of your labor and retire comfortably, and we’ll guide you on how to create an income portfolio. We look forward to meeting you, and we can’t wait to help you create the future of your dreams!